A Look into the Benefits of Celery Juice
You may have already heard, but celery is having a moment right now.
Celebrities from Kim Kardashian to Pharrell to Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle site Goop have announced celery juice benefits across social media platforms and websites throughout the first few months of 2019. But how genuine are the claims that celery juice is beneficial, or is it just another passing fad?
Luckily for you, I have the personal experience to back up these claims.
I first came across the idea of pure celery juice when I started reading the work of Medical Medium. I read that when consumed daily, especially on an empty stomach, celery juice proves to be a powerful health tonic, providing results such as clearer skin, improved digestion, less bloating, better mental clarity and energy, weight loss, and more.
Before putting our Pure Celery juice on the Bamboo menu, though, I first tested a diet of 15 ounces of celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for 21 days. At first, I didn’t notice anything. By the second week, though, I felt fuller for longer periods of time and had clearer skin. In the third and final week, I began to experience improved digestion and less bloating.
With those encouraging results, I not only added Pure Celery to the Bamboo menu, but permanently incorporated celery juice into my daily routine.
We encourage you to give Pure Celery juice a try! As with all of our juices, you’ll see the best results when you make juicing into a regular habit, not just a one-time experiment. Once juicing is part of your daily routine, you’ll begin to reap the benefits these health tonics provide!